4 days mass gain weight program

There are many fitness programs with different techniques, we have designed for you this training program split routine spread over 4 days.

Training in split routine is very interesting to work the whole body on the same week in order to gain muscle mass. It is ideal for people who can train 4 days in the week and wishing to move properly.

This program is complete, it requires access to a weight room to be able to perform all the exercises without having to replace. Focuses primarily on poly-joint exercises in each of your sessions you will recruit maximum muscle fibers to further develop hypertrophy (muscle gain).

Day 1: Chest - Biceps
Exercices Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set4
Incline Bar 12 10 8 8
Dumbbell bench press 12 10 8 8
Cable crossover 12 10 10 8
Pullover 12 12 12 X
Curl straight bar 12 10 8 8
Curl inclined dumbbell 12 10 8 X
Hammer curl 12 10 8 X

programme de muscuulation 

DAY 2: Legs - Forearm - Abs
Exercices Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4
Back squat or front squat 12 10 8 8
Leg extension 12 10 10 X
Leg curl 12 10 10 8
Deadlift straight legs 12 10 8 X
Lunge 12 10 10 10
Curl wrist supination 12 10 10 X
Curl wrist pronation 12 10 10 X
Statement legs
15 15 15 15
Crunch the high pulley 15 12 12 12
lateral flexion 15 12 12 12
stick bust of rotation 30 30 30 30

DAY 3: Rest

programme de musculation
DAY 4: Back - Triceps
Exercices Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
Chin up 12 10 8 8
Rowing a dumbbell arm 12 10 8 X
Draw horizontal front 12 10 8 8
Deadlift 12 10 8 8
Triceps pushdown 12 10 8 8
Dumbbell triceps extension
12 10 8 8
Lying triceps extensions 12 10 8 8

DAY 5: Shoulders - Calves - Abs
Exercices Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
Arnold press 12 10 8 8
Front raise 12 10 10 8
Side raise 12 10 10 8
Upright row 12 10 10 8
Calf sitting machine 15 12 10 10
Standing calf machine 15 12 10 10
Mollet press 15 12 10 10
Statement legs 15 15 15 15
Crunches 15 12 12 12
lateral flexion 15 12 12 12
sheathing 1” ou + 1” ou + 1” ou + X

Day 6: Rest or cardio + reminder

DAY 7: Rest

Our advice: 
  •  Always warm up before the exercises, perform at least a series with a light load in order to prepare your joints and muscles. Load gradually to reach your true load to work. 
  • Your rest time between series and exercises will be 1 "30-2 minutes. Your load should not allow you to perform more repetitions than prescribed without help or cheating. 
  1.      12 repetitions: 1'30 minute
  2.      10 repetitions: 1 "45 minutes
  3.      8 repetitions: 2 minutes
  •  For calves and abs, take time to rest 1 minute.
  • Control your movements and focus on the burden to feel a maximum contraction of your muscles. It was at that moment that work and really beneficial.
  • Remember to fatten your abs, you have to work with the additional charges and on a series of 10 to 15 repetitions.
  • Hydrate well, at least 1 liter of water during your workout. Drink a sip to spread your intake throughout the session.  


Anas redboys

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