Best foods before bodybuilding exercises

Many of the trainees are interested in the duties they eat after exercise, but they seldom care about the meal started taking them before going to practice in spite of its importance, it will supply the body with energy it needs to exercise efficiently and strength and focus my mind, body and protect against a sudden drop in blood sugar, which causes headaches and excessive fatigue, and rehearsed on an empty belly is not good for those working to increase Kthelth muscle. So be sure to eat a healthy meal before 45 to 60 minutes of going to practice, and this list of top foods that can be ingested :

 Banana :
Banana is one of the best of what can be taken before going to exercise, because it contains easily digestible
carbohydrate they also contain potassium, which works to preserve the work of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, the body does not maintain potassium for a long time for this, the banana midsize before 45 enough minutes to get nutritional benefits.

Oats :
Oatmeal is from foods rich in dietary fiber, which is working on the delivery of key ingredients: carbohydrate into the blood gradually. This gradual flow of blood Carbohdarat maintains your energy throughout the training period, which will make you train hard and greater efficiency. Not only that; the oat rich in vitamin as well as "B", and the latter works to transform key ingredients: carbohydrate into energy for the body. To make the most of the nutritional benefits of eating one cup of oats by at least 30 minutes of exercise.

Wholemeal bread :
Wholemeal bread is considered a stronger complex carbohydrate sources, as it is rich in many other nutrients to the body useful, so it's a piece of wholemeal bread with some honey or peanut or with some egg whites boiled ideal to increase energy in the body and to get some protein before you go exercise for half an hour to 45 minutes.

Natural fruit juices :
Fruit juices are considered good and fast carbohydrate and protein source, it is also easy and quick to prepare. But you control the quantities covered by them as well, so as not to be a source of excess calories.

the rice :
Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates, how not to eat 100 grams of rice contains about 30 grams of ingredients: carbohydrate, which makes him a good meal before exercise if you need to starches, and if dealt with some of the vegetables will be better.

==>Foods to Avoid before exercise :

Such as that there are foods are best taken before exercise, there are also foods you avoided before training because they will not give you what you need, or that it would cause side effects hinder your performance and your focus, including fat and sweets and fatty soft drinks and foods that cause bloating and indigestion, or very large servings Generally.  


Anas redboys

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